Why does Snippets of Grief Exist?

In the space between the end of September and the start of October (2020), my boyfriend and I had some big talks that ended in him deciding to end our open relationship & return to being "just friends". Two days later, he made a choice and ended his life.

Clue was an avid supporter for many people accessing mental health services in the region, being both a peer support worker & a qualified therapist in his own right; and he was a staunch advocate for folks whose needs weren't being met by the services that were meant to support them. As a result, in addition to the many grieving friends and relatives, 4 children, 3 living grandchildren, & 4 furbabies of his own (3 guinea pigs & a 9month old bull arab x puppy), Clue has an entire community mourning.

I mentioned earlier that Clue and I returned to "just friends" a couple of days before he died, however Clue was so much more than my friend/boyfriend. He was my best friend, locally. He was the person I turned to when my support service couldn't provide for my needs, and he was the person I trusted implicitly with my own furbaby. He was my tech support guy, my talking to people on the phone guy, my everything guy.

This blog will chronicle all the little single snippets as I move through my grief, most likely in an irreverent way -- because that's just who I am, and how I cope. Swearing and name-calling is likely.


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